Phone: 727-209-7977Office Hours 9AM-5PM EST ->Postal Address:Clovers Online424 Riviera Bay Dr NE Saint Petersburg, FL 33702 USA
Facts about clovers, trivia and listen to music!Listen to "I'm Looking Over a Four Leaf Clover" played by various artists on YouTubeHow to Find Four Leaf Clovers.How Science Can Help You Find a 4-Leaf Clover How to make an Origami Shamrock & Headband.
A Clover SongA True Clover StoryA Clover ...
U.S.A. Shopping InformationShop Online with PayPal on Secure Server. Only available for U.S. Orders.Sales Tax only charged for orders shipping to Florida. Sales Tax is 7%.Orders ship from Florida, USAProduction Time: Most orders ship within 1-2 business days of receipt.Shipping Time: Econ...
Clovers Online Privacy PolicyThis privacy policy discloses the privacy practices for This privacy policy applies solely to information collected by this web siteInformation Collection, Use and SharingWe are the sole owners of the information collected on this site. We only have a...
What is the Real Shamrock Plant?Do you know that there is no such thing as a "Shamrock Plant"? The word shamrock comes from the Irish word "seamrog" meaning "little clover". However, there are hundreds of varieties of clover. The question is...what is the "Original Irish Shamrock"? Here is what some...
Facts about Real Four Leaf CloversHow can I know I'm getting a "real" Four-leaf Clover?Real, genuine four-leaf clovers come from the White Clover plant, trifolium repens, considered to be the Original Shamrock. You may find others selling leaves as four-leaf clovers that are not genuine. These are a...
Facts about Real Five Leaf CloversAre there "real" Five-leaf Clovers?Yes, the 5-leaf clover is a mutation like the 4-leaf clover that does appear occasionally, but less common than the 4-leaf clover. There are 6, 7 and other multiple leaf clovers that sometimes occur. What are the superstitions?The ...
I'm Looking Over a Four-leaf CloverArt MooneyWords by Mort Dixon, music by Harry WoodsWritten in 1927 - popularized in 1948 by Art MooneyI'm looking over a four-leaf clover that I overlooked before.One leaf is sunshine, the second is rain, third is the roses that grow in the lane.No need explaining,...
Four Leaf Clover Poem and MeaningI know a place where the sun is like gold, and the cherry blooms burst with snow, and down underneath is the loveliest nook, where the four-leaf clovers grow.One leaf is for HOPE, and one is for FAITH, and one is for LOVE, you know, and GOD put another in for LUCK. I...
A Four-leaf Clover comes home after 54 years.ST. PETERSBURG, FL - This is a true story of a lucky little 4-leaf clover that begins during World War II. In 1941 with the world at war, many turned their thoughts to wishes of good luck and special momentos to carry them through those difficult times. S...